Table of



ACE Armored Combat Earthmover

ADAM Area Denial Artillery Munition

ADM Atomic Demolition Munition

AF Air Force

ALO air liaison officer

AP antipersonnel

APC Armored Personnel Carrier

arty artillery

AT antitank

ATGM Antitank Guided Missile

AVLB Armored Vehicle Launched Bridge

bn battalion

BCE Battlefield Coordination Element

CEV Combat Engineer Vehicle

CFA covering force area

CFC Combined Forces Command

cm centimeter(s)

dia diameter

DIA Defense Intelligence Agency

DMZ demilitarized zone

DTG date-time group

ea each

ERAM Extended Range Antiarmor Munition

engr engineer

F Fahrenheit

FASCAM Family of Scatterable Mines

FEBA forward edge of the battle area

FLOT forward line of own troops

frag fragment

FROKA First Republic of Korea Army

FSCL fire support coordination line

ft foot, feet

GEMSS Ground Emplaced Mine Scattering System

HEMMS Hand Emplaced Minefield Marking Set

HQ headquarters

hr hour(s)

in inch(es)

inst instructions

IOE irregular outer edge

IRD Inzhenerny Razvedyvatel'ny Dozor (Russian for "engineer reconnaissance patrol")

KATUSA Korean Augmentation to the United States Army

kg Kilogram(s)

kg/cm² kilograms per square centimeter

kph kilometers per hour

lb pound(s)

m meter(s)

MBA Main Battle Area

METT-T mission, enemy, terrain and weather, time, and troops

min mininum

mm millimeter

MOPMS Modular Pack Mine System

mph miles per hour

NA not applicable

NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NBC nuclear, biological, and chemical

NCA national command authority

NCO noncommissioned officer

OOD Otriad Obespecheniya Dvizheniya (Russian for "movement support detachment")

OP observation post

OPCON operational control

oz ounce(s)

PL phase line

POL petroleum, oils, and lubricants

POZ Podvizhnoy Otriad Zagrazhdeniya (Russian for "mobile obstacle detachment")

psi pounds per square inch

pt(s) point(s)

RAAMS Remote Anti-Armor Mine System

recon reconnaissance

ROK Republic of Korea

rpt report

SADM Special Atomic Demolition Munition

SCATMINWARN Scatterable Minefield Warning

SM scatterable mine

SOF Special Operations Forces

SOP standing operating procedures

STANAG Standardization Agreement

TACC Tactical Air Control Center

tgt target

TNT trinitrotoluene

TOE Table of Organization and Equipment

TOW tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided missile

TROKA Third Republic of Korea Army

US United States

WASPMS Wide Angle Side Penetrating Mining System